MDEC: Sowing the seeds for transformation
MDEC is championing the transformation of Malaysia by growing an ecosystem that can adapt in line with the rapidly changing technological landscape.  

However, future-proofing the nation requires us to plant the seeds for change in every layer of society, not just the corporate sector. We have been hard at work inspiring everyone to get on board the digital journey.  

Our passion for Digital Inclusivity embraces the conviction that everyone, especially the rakyat with minimal exposure to the digital world, will benefit from our programmes. Our #Youcanduit campaign aims to bring the rakyat into the digital fold, be it our entrepreneurs who can leverage our eUsahawanprogramme, or the B40 group, who are prime candidates for eRezeki.  

But with a lot great things in life, face-to-face interactions are best at communicating great ideas. Below are some of the moments where we engaged with the rakyat in the past few months: